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Setting Up OpenERP on Amazon EC2

Initial perusals of OpenERP 7  appeared to be quite impressive and offering a robust ERP package for small business.  Here are the simple steps to test this out further using Amazon’s AWS cloud computer service.


  1. Create an Amazon AWS account at
    1. Select the EC2 – Elastic Servers in the Cloud menu
    2. Launch Instance
    3. Quick Launch Wizard – Select Ubuntu Server
    4. Create a Key Pair and a Security Group
    5. Voila – Your new Ubuntu Server is Running
  2. Log into your server via SSH
    1. This can be accomplished many ways – easy way is to just hit connect via the admin console
  3. Add the Nightly Repository to the sources list
    1. use VI to edit /etc/apt/sources.list
    2. Add to following line to the sources list
deb ./
  1. Run these commands to update the server and install OpenERP 7

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install openerp

  1. Setup an OpenERP user in SQL

sudo su postgres

createuser openerp
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y

  1. Now login at <your public dns address>:8069


You will have to create a db and change the default passwords admin/admin to something more secure.

amazon aws, amazon ec2, erp, free, gl, openerp, opensource

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